Events News Press


Local and regional press articles per city can be found on the city pages. This section presents national and international media coverage throughout the project.

Press Queries: for interviews, more information or queries about the project and/or its publications, please contact Michael Barrett: email [email protected]

Petition appeal! 11 October, 2024
Corriere della Serra 16 June: PER LA MOGLIE DI BLOOMC’È IL MOLLY BLOOMSDAY Derry ~ Donegal 16 June, 2024
Corriere della Serra 16 June: PER LA MOGLIE DI BLOOMC’È IL MOLLY BLOOMSDAY 16 June, 2024
DonegalLive: Inishowen to feature in all-female cross-border celebration of Bloomsday Derry ~ Donegal 17 May, 2024
The Guardian: Ulysses’ Molly Bloom to be brought to life in video at Derry festival Derry ~ Donegal 25 March, 2024
BNN Breaking: Iconic Actresses Unite for Joyce-Inspired YES Festival Derry ~ Donegal 09 February, 2024
Access All Areas: Ireland’s YES Festival Derry ~ Donegal 07 February, 2024
Stand out Magazine: New multi-arts event – YES Festival – to take place in Derry-Londonderry Derry ~ Donegal 06 February, 2024
The Irish News: Harry Potter, Succession and Killing Eve stars join international celebration of female creativity in Derry this summer Derry ~ Donegal 02 February, 2024
Visit Derry: The YES Festival – New International event to take place in Ireland from 13-16 June 2024 Derry ~ Donegal 01 February, 2024
Creative Europe: YES Festival 13-16 June as part of ULYSSES European Odyssey 01 February, 2024
Creative Europe: YES Festival 13-16 June as part of ULYSSES European Odyssey Derry ~ Donegal 01 February, 2024
The Guardian: Prime movers: the German circus exploring Amazon through acrobatics 29 January, 2024
Café Europa: Risky business: European theatre makers on the right to fail Cluj-Napoca 25 January, 2024
Café Europa: Risky business: European theatre makers on the right to fail 25 January, 2024
Belfast Telegraph: The maiden city to host international festival Derry ~ Donegal 06 January, 2024
Kaltio: These vaults are filled with decadent dreams (pdf download) Oulu 19 December, 2023
Kaltio: HOLVIT TÄYNNÄ HAUREELLISIA UNIA (pdf download) Oulu 19 December, 2023
la danse d‘amazon | a fulfillment circus | By Daniel Wetzel Berlin 14 December, 2023
Derry Daily: YES! All-female arts festival planned for 2024 Derry ~ Donegal 12 December, 2023
Leeuwarder Courant: Publiek gratis naar binnen bij ‘goed gesprek’ over gender- en seksuele vrijheidLeeuwarder | The public can enter for free for a ‘good conversation’ about gender and sexual freedom Leeuwarden 12 December, 2023
Cafe Europa: Nights at the circus: Rimini Protokoll’s la danse d’amazon and an interview with Daniel Wetzel Berlin 10 December, 2023
Lisbon is a stopover in a cultural odyssey inspired byJamesJoyce’s Ulysses 30 November, 2023
The Stage: La Danse d’Amazon review Berlin 27 November, 2023
The Stage: La Danse d’Amazon review 27 November, 2023
Berliner Zeitung (Download here): Recherchetheater in Berlin-Marzahn_ Eine Manege fur den Raubtierkapitalismus Berlin 25 November, 2023
Rimini Protokol: la danse d‘amazon – a fulfillment circus Berlin 25 November, 2023
German activists launch Black Friday campaign against Amazon Berlin 24 November, 2023
Kaleva: Lu­mo-fes­ti­vaa­lin yk­kös­näh­tä­vyys vie yleisön oudolle mat­kal­le Kult­tuu­ri­pank­kiin – Lap­sil­ta kiel­le­tyn esi­tyk­sen il­mai­set liput va­rat­tiin loppuun aikoja sitten Oulu 21 November, 2023
Fotoexpotie.nl: Sex Shooter – the Liberation of Sexual Identity Leeuwarden 16 November, 2023
The Irish Times: Sally Hayden, journalist & photographer and participating artist in the artists’ exchange programme of the ULYSSES European Odyssey, has been named journalist of the year at the 2023 Irish Journalism Awards. Dublin 15 November, 2023
London Review of Books: A Soundwalk in Elefsina, Sam Kinchin-Smith 31 October, 2023
London Review of Books: A Soundwalk in Elefsina, Sam Kinchin-Smith Eleusis 31 October, 2023
Derry Journal: Symposium as Derry prepares to host ‘Molly Bloom’ leg of trans-European Ulysses homage Derry ~ Donegal 26 October, 2023
The Irish Times: gethan&myles create immersive work for Ulysses’ 100th anniversary | by Chris Maddaloni Marseille 26 October, 2023
LRT Klasika | Pakeliui su klasika. Jameso Joyce’o „Uliso“ skyrius, nugulęs į „Vilnelės odisėją“ Vilnius 24 October, 2023
Neakivaizdinis Vilnius | Vasara 2023 | Vilnelès susitikimu stotelès Vilnius 24 October, 2023
De Zwette Krant: Bannbrekende expositie in Stationskwartier Leeuwarden 18 September, 2023
Leeuwarden Courant: Ulysses en de gendervrijheid: groot Europees project rond ‘onleesbaar’ boek krijgt 18+-editie in Leeuwarden (download pdf) Leeuwarden 14 September, 2023
Leeuwarden Courant: Noorderlicht brengt tentoonstelling over seks en gender naar Leeuwarden. Je moet er minimaal 18 voor zijn, en het is niet voor preutse zielen Leeuwarden 14 September, 2023
Huis aan Huis Leeuwarden: Seks en gender in Stationskwartier Leeuwarden 12 September, 2023
The Stage: Ulysses unbound: how Europe is uniting to stage Joyce’s epic in 18 cities 29 August, 2023
echinox, Proiecție și tranziție – Project and Transition Cluj-Napoca 01 August, 2023
echinox teatru: Proiecție și tranziție Cluj-Napoca 01 August, 2023
HABER TURK: ‘İstanbul Belgesel Günleri’ başlıyor Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Gazete duvaR: ‘Ulysses’in yayımlanışının 100’üncü yılı kutlanıyor Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Cumhuriyet: ‘Ulysses’in 100. yılı 18 şehirde kutlanıyor Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Edebiyathaber.net: “İstanbul’un Ulysses’i” etkinlikleri 5-10 Haziran tarihleri arasında Istanbul 17 July, 2023
NTV Radyo: Köşedeki Kitapçı – James Joyce, Ulysses: 06 Haziran 2023 Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Cornucopia: Hannah Stevenson will be exhibiting her paintings as part of the Ulysses European Odyssey event’s ‘Ulysse’s Istanbul’ Istanbul 17 July, 2023
kronos: Sevinç Altan’dan ‘üstüne ışık düşürülene değil gölgelere bakmaya bir davet’: Aralık Istanbul 17 July, 2023
halk: James Joyce’nin başyapıtı 100’üncü yılında İstanbul’da Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Gerçek Gündem: “İstanbul’un Ulysses”i Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat’ta Istanbul 17 July, 2023
halk: James Joyce’nin başyapıtı 100’üncü yılında İstanbul’da Istanbul 17 July, 2023
T24: “İstanbul’un Ulysses”i Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat’ta Istanbul 17 July, 2023
BirGün: “İstanbul’un Ulysses’i” Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat’ta Istanbul 17 July, 2023
BIANET: 16th İstanbul Documentary Days starts on June 10 Istanbul 17 July, 2023
16. Documentarist İstanbul Belgesel Günleri Istanbul 17 July, 2023
James Joyce ve Ulysses”in 100. yılı Istanbul 17 July, 2023
Scribbles and Sketches: In Between Homes Cluj-Napoca 17 July, 2023
create.act.enjoy: Varga Hunor-József: „Voi juca rolul de asistent de regie și văd ce îmi dă situația” – despre rezidențele Ulysses: European Odyssey Cluj-Napoca 16 July, 2023
Abc News Romania: Arta va însufleți vechile spații ale Fabricii CLUJANA – Spectacol de tip promenadă în vechea fabrică emblematică a Clujului Cluj-Napoca 06 July, 2023
Faclia: Arta va însufleți vechile spații ale Fabricii Clujana Cluj-Napoca 06 July, 2023
LiterNet: Despre lumea de azi prin ochii de Ulise – In Between Homes Cluj-Napoca 06 July, 2023
The Irish Times: James Joyce’s grave: a welcome addition 04 July, 2023
EBS Radio 90.4FM Romania: “In Between Homes”, o altă perspectivă asupra migraţiei   Cluj-Napoca 04 July, 2023
Ulysses European Odyssey: Romanian theatre production inspired by James Joyce looks at impact of migration Cluj-Napoca 04 July, 2023
Romania-Insider.com: Ulysses European Odyssey: Romanian theatre production inspired by James Joyce looks at impact of migration Cluj-Napoca 04 July, 2023
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai: In between homes 04 July, 2023
EBS Radio 90.4FM: “In Between Homes”, o altă perspectivă asupra migraţiei 04 July, 2023
Radio Cluj: IN BETWEEN HOMES: un spectacol pentru toate simțurile, la Clujana [AUDIO] Cluj-Napoca 04 July, 2023
Istanbul Daily Sabah: ‘Ulysses of Istanbul’: Celebrating James Joyce’s masterpiece Istanbul 04 July, 2023
transtelex: Megnéztük, hogyan alakult át színházi térré Kolozsvár üresen álló cipőgyára, a Clujana Cluj-Napoca 01 July, 2023
G4 Media.ro: Se redeschide Fabrica Clujana, însă ca spațiu teatral alternativ / AsociațiaCreate.Act.Enjoy propune spectacolul ”IN BETWEEN HOMES” Cluj-Napoca 29 June, 2023
DC News: Fabrica Clujana se redeschide publicului ca spațiu cultural. Ce vor putea vedea cei interesați Cluj-Napoca 29 June, 2023
The New European: Celebrating Ulysses, the great European novel 28 June, 2023
Foaia Transilvanǎ: Fabrica CLUJANA devine scenă de teatru. Clujenii sunt așteptați la un spectacol inedit, iar intrarea este liberă Cluj-Napoca 28 June, 2023
spatii-noi.ro: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ Cluj-Napoca 28 June, 2023
Radio Cluj: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ 28 June, 2023
BookHub.ro: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ în 7-16 iulie Cluj-Napoca 27 June, 2023
ClujU.ro: Fabrica Clujana se redeschide ca spațiu teatral alternativ Cluj-Napoca 27 June, 2023
The Woman (preluare CP): Fabrica Clujana va fi reactivată și redată comunității într-un mod neconvențional, de Asociația Create.Act.Enjoy Cluj-Napoca 27 June, 2023
I Like Cluj: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana Cluj-Napoca 27 June, 2023
Facultatea de Teatru și Film: IN BETWEEN HOMES – Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ în 7-16 iulie Cluj-Napoca 26 June, 2023
G4media.ro: Hala fostei fabrici de pantofi Clujana devine scenă pentru un spectacol de teatru imersiv 23 June, 2023
Lisboa é escala numa odisseia cultural inspirada pelo Ulisses de James Joyce Lisbon 23 June, 2023
monitorulcj.ro: Fabrica Clujana, deschisă clujenilor, într-un spectacol inedit de teatru Cluj-Napoca 22 June, 2023
Actual de Cluj.ro: Inedit, un spectacol de teatru imersiv chiar în părăsita fabrică de pantofi Clujana, ultima fabrică deținută de Stat din Cluj, acum falimentară Cluj-Napoca 22 June, 2023
Cluj.info: Fosta fabrică Clujana se redeschide sub o altă formă, ca și spațiu de spectacole de teatru imersiv Cluj-Napoca 22 June, 2023
ArtsIndustry.co.uk: Joyce masterpiece inspires European odyssey 16 June, 2023
BroadwayWorld.com, Germany: James Joyce Inspires Three Year Creative Journey Across Europe For ULYSSES Berlin 14 June, 2023
BroadwayWorld.com, Germany: James Joyce Inspires Three Year Creative Journey Across Europe For ULYSSES 14 June, 2023
BirGün – Joyce’un izinde ‘Bir aradalık’ | ‘Togetherness’ in Joyce’s footsteps Istanbul 13 June, 2023
The Irish Post: Multi-arts programme will celebrate Ulysses across Europe 12 June, 2023
21 Noticias, “Lugo celebrará, xunto con París, Berlín, Estambul, e outras, o centenario de Ulises” Lugo 07 June, 2023
Praza.gal, “Para comer e ler, Lugo”: a cidade conmemora a partir da gastronomía o centenario do ‘Ulises’ con outras 17 urbes” Lugo 07 June, 2023
El Progresso, “Cadaval, Novoneira y Balseiro, en un foro que abre el centenario del ‘Ulises’ “ Lugo 07 June, 2023
Viva Lugo, “O «Ulises» de Joyce revivirá en Lugo” Lugo 07 June, 2023
Uxío Novoneyra, “Ulises pasea Lugo” Lugo 07 June, 2023
Nos Diario, “Lugo conmemora o centenario do ‘Ulises’ de Joyce” Lugo 07 June, 2023
Axenda Cultural AEXG, “Lugo: Ulysses. European Odissey 2022-2024” Lugo 07 June, 2023
El Progresso, “Literatura, cocina y paseos para conmemorar el ‘Ulysses’ de Joyce” Lugo 07 June, 2023
La Voz de Galacia, “Que se pode facer este venres en Lugo?“ Lugo 07 June, 2023
“Ulysses between us”. NEMO European Network of Museum Organisations. Lugo 06 June, 2023
Fotografías do gran acontecemento «Ulises pasea por Lugo». Local cultural agenda photo report I. Lugo 06 June, 2023
Novas fotografías de «Ulises pasea por Lugo». Local cultural agenda photo report II. “Ulysses walks through Lugo”. Lugo 06 June, 2023
Interview with Branca Novoneyra as Lugo programme director. Branca Novoneyra: “Os primeiros capítulos do ‘Ulises’, a nivel estatal, foron publicados na Galiza grazas á Xeración Nós” Lugo 06 June, 2023
El ‘Ulises’ de Joyce con el mejor gusto. Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ with the best taste Lugo 06 June, 2023
Celebrada con éxito a primeira edición do centenario europeo do Ulises en Lugo. The first edition of the European centenary of Ulysses was successfully celebrated in Lugo. Lugo 06 June, 2023
Millyyet: İstanbullu James Joyce Istanbul 05 June, 2023
Against the Light – Berlingske Copenhagen 01 June, 2023
Against the Light – Kulturbunkeren Copenhagen 25 May, 2023
Budapest Nagyregény: 23 szerző 23 története Budapest egy-egy kerületéről Budapest 02 April, 2023
Kultúrjunkie – Budapest Nagyregény – 23 szerző 23 története Budapest egy-egy kerületéről Budapest 31 March, 2023
Készül a Budapest Nagyregény – A kerületek és a szerzők egymásra találtak Budapest 31 March, 2023
Budapest Nagyregény – 23 szerző 23 története Budapest egy-egy kerületéről Budapest 31 March, 2023
Fidelio – 23 kortárs író dolgozik Budapest nagyregényén Budapest 30 March, 2023
A 23 szerző már írja a 150 éves Budapest nagyregényét Budapest 30 March, 2023
Budapest Nagyregény – 23 szerző 23 története Budapest egy-egy kerületéről Budapest 30 March, 2023
énbudapestem – 23 szerző 23 történetével jelenik meg a Budapest Nagyregényénbudapestem Budapest 29 March, 2023
Nyugati – Fény Budapest 29 March, 2023
Budapest nagyregénye – 23 szerző 23 története Budapest 29 March, 2023
BBC online: Ulysses: Celebrating James Joyce, ‘the quintessential European’ 29 December, 2022
The Irish Times: gethan&myles create immersive work for Ulysses’ 100th anniversary 17 December, 2022
Viva Lugo: Lugo will celebrate the centenary of Joyce’s “Ulysses”. Lugo 12 December, 2022
La Voz de Galicia: Lugo, entre las 18 capitales europeas que celebran el centenario del «Ulises» Lugo 09 December, 2022
El Progreso Lugo: Lugo se une a otras 17 ciudades europeas en un gran debate de la mano del ‘Ulises’ de JoyceEl Progreso Lugo: Lugo 08 December, 2022
Clujul Cultural: Cluj-Napoca si alte 17 orașe europene pornesc în proiectul „Ulise” de 1,78 milioane de euro de la UE Cluj-Napoca 07 December, 2022
Radio Romania Cultural: ULYSSES: o odisee europeană Cluj-Napoca 07 December, 2022
21noticias: Lugo celebrará xunto con París, Berlín, Estambul e outras cidades o centenario de Ulises Lugo 03 December, 2022
Belfast Telegraph – Arts Over Borders leads multimillion-pound Ulysses European Odyssey to celebrate centenary year of James Joyce’s novel Derry ~ Donegal 02 December, 2022
Barrons: ‘Ulysses’ European Tour Seeks Modern Touch For Joyce’s Epic Novel Marseille 29 November, 2022
Radio France: ‘Ulysses’ European tour seeks modern touch for Joyce’s epic novelRadio France: Marseille 29 November, 2022
France TV Info: D’Athènes à Dublin, l’Europe célèbre les cent ans d'”Ulysse” de James Joyce avec un festival itinérant Marseille 29 November, 2022
France 24: ‘Ulysses’ European tour seeks modern touch for Joyce’s epic novel Marseille 29 November, 2022
Online version of La Marseillaise article Marseille 29 November, 2022
Post-event Newspaper Article Print news feature in La Marseillaise newpaper (pdf format) Marseille 29 November, 2022
Marseille to host James Joyce event as part of two-year European Ulysses celebration Marseille 29 November, 2022
Pre-event article on culture & events website, Journal Ventilo Marseille 29 November, 2022
Pre-event news feature in La Provence Marseille 29 November, 2022
UNESCO Creative Cities Vilnius 28 November, 2022
LRT.lt Vilnius 28 November, 2022
7md Vilnius 28 November, 2022
Artnews Vilnius 28 November, 2022
ALFA Vilnius 28 November, 2022
LRYTAS Vilnius 28 November, 2022
LRT Vilnius 28 November, 2022
DELFI Vilnius 28 November, 2022
Cumjuriyet: ‘Ulysses’in 100. yılı 18 şehirde kutlanıyor Istanbul 25 November, 2022
ISCENE: Teater Grob opnår milliontilskud til nyt Creative Europe projekt Copenhagen 25 November, 2022
énbudapestem: „Gyere, gyere bárki is, csinálj egy Budapestet!” – a Budapest Nagyregény projekt-bemutatóján jártunkénbudapestem: Budapest 24 November, 2022
KULTÚRA HU: Készül a Budapest NagyregényKULTÚRA HU: Budapest 24 November, 2022
bdpst24: Nagy érdeklődés, élénk párbeszéd a Budapest Nagyregény projekt-bemutatóján Budapest 24 November, 2022
Deszka: Nagy érdeklődés övezte a Budapest Nagyregény projekt-bemutatóját Budapest 24 November, 2022
Tele Quattro: Il Notiziario Edizione Completa | 03/10/2022 Trieste 23 November, 2022
Lifo Theater Athens 23 November, 2022
The Irish Times: Ulysses: a European Odyssey 2022-2024 28 October, 2022
The Irish Times: gethan&myles create immersive work for Ulysses’ 100th anniversary Marseille 17 October, 2022
THE IRISH NEWS – Ulysses European Odyssey is underway and heading for Ireland Derry ~ Donegal 15 October, 2022
RFI Radio France Internationale ‘Ulysses’ European tour seeks modern touch for Joyce’s epic novel 03 October, 2022
Il Piccolo: Un manifest per le arti a Trieste in 18 città europee partendo dall’Ulisse di Joyce Trieste 03 October, 2022
Proiect internațional la Cluj Cluj-Napoca 17 June, 2022
Epikairotita (Bloomsday coverage) Eleusis 17 June, 2022
Ouka.fi Oulu 16 June, 2022
YLE Oulu 16 June, 2022
Kaleva web Oulu 16 June, 2022
My Oulu Oulu 16 June, 2022
Mun Oulu Oulu 16 June, 2022
Leviathan Cluj-Napoca 16 June, 2022
Teatrul Cluj
Actual de Cluj Cluj-Napoca 16 June, 2022
Teatrul Național „Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca 16 June, 2022
THE IRISH NEWS A European Odyssey Project Marks 100 Years of James Joyce’s Great Novel Derry ~ Donegal 09 April, 2022
The Irish Times: Joyce, Homer and an epic centenary celebration across 18 cities 09 April, 2022
Toute la culture: « Ulysses » de Joyce fait le tour de l’Europe Marseille 29 March, 2022