Events News Press
ACT II - 2023
XI Cluj
What are the dangers that a future Europe must navigate?
Sirens Create.Act.Enjoy, National Theatre "Lucian Blaga" Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babes-Bolyai University

City Rationale

This chapter is set in a hotel bar, in which two barmaids (the Sirens) sing for the customers. Cluj-Napoca’s National Theatre and Opera sit together in one building. The city’s ethnically mixed population battles with issues of cultural acceptance and the danger posed by the outsider – themes echoed in Carmen (Bizet) and Don Giovanni (Mozart).

Ulysses Episode

In this episode, dominated by motifs of music, Bloom has dinner with Stephen’s uncle at a hotel, while Molly’s lover, Blazes Boylan, proceeds to his rendezvous with her. While dining, Bloom watches the seductive barmaids and listens to the singing of Stephen’s father and others.

Homer Odyssey Chapter

Book 12: Odysseus returns to Aeaea, where he buries Elpenor and spends one last night with Circe. She describes the obstacles that he will face on his voyage home and tells him how to negotiate them. As he sets sail, Odysseus passes Circe’s counsel on to his men. They approach the island of the lovely Sirens, and Odysseus, as instructed by Circe, plugs his men’s ears with beeswax and has them bind him to the mast of the ship. He alone hears their song flowing forth from the island, promising to reveal the future. The Sirens’ song is so seductive that Odysseus begs to be released from his fetters, but his faithful men only bind him tighter.

Public Events

Public Symposium

Artists’ Exchange

This project strand offered short residency opportunities in partner cities for 30 emerging artists as part of the legacy of this pan-European project.

Each city partner sent two artists on a residency to another partner’s city of a different art form, thereby seeking to enrich their professional practice through inter-disciplinary residencies. Artists were chosen on the basis of having demonstrated an interest in the hosting city’s Arts & Society contemporary European theme. They had to also practice a different art form from that of the hosting city’s public event. The project offered the emerging artists the opportunity to travel without the pressure to produce work and ideally to experience UEO’s public events.


Douce gave full vent to a splendid yell, a full yell of full woman, delight, joy, indignation.


Teatrul Național „Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca 16 June, 2022
Teatrul Cluj
Actual de Cluj 16 June, 2022
Leviathan 16 June, 2022
Proiect internațional la Cluj 17 June, 2022
Radio Romania Cultural: ULYSSES: o odisee europeană 07 December, 2022
Clujul Cultural: Cluj-Napoca si alte 17 orașe europene pornesc în proiectul „Ulise” de 1,78 milioane de euro de la UE 07 December, 2022
Cluj.info: Fosta fabrică Clujana se redeschide sub o altă formă, ca și spațiu de spectacole de teatru imersiv 22 June, 2023
Actual de Cluj.ro: Inedit, un spectacol de teatru imersiv chiar în părăsita fabrică de pantofi Clujana, ultima fabrică deținută de Stat din Cluj, acum falimentară 22 June, 2023
monitorulcj.ro: Fabrica Clujana, deschisă clujenilor, într-un spectacol inedit de teatru 22 June, 2023
Facultatea de Teatru și Film: IN BETWEEN HOMES – Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ în 7-16 iulie 26 June, 2023
I Like Cluj: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana 27 June, 2023
The Woman (preluare CP): Fabrica Clujana va fi reactivată și redată comunității într-un mod neconvențional, de Asociația Create.Act.Enjoy 27 June, 2023
ClujU.ro: Fabrica Clujana se redeschide ca spațiu teatral alternativ 27 June, 2023
BookHub.ro: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ în 7-16 iulie 27 June, 2023
spatii-noi.ro: Create.Act.Enjoy redeschide Fabrica Clujana ca spațiu teatral alternativ 28 June, 2023
Foaia Transilvanǎ: Fabrica CLUJANA devine scenă de teatru. Clujenii sunt așteptați la un spectacol inedit, iar intrarea este liberă 28 June, 2023
DC News: Fabrica Clujana se redeschide publicului ca spațiu cultural. Ce vor putea vedea cei interesați 29 June, 2023
G4 Media.ro: Se redeschide Fabrica Clujana, însă ca spațiu teatral alternativ / AsociațiaCreate.Act.Enjoy propune spectacolul ”IN BETWEEN HOMES” 29 June, 2023
transtelex: Megnéztük, hogyan alakult át színházi térré Kolozsvár üresen álló cipőgyára, a Clujana 01 July, 2023
Radio Cluj: IN BETWEEN HOMES: un spectacol pentru toate simțurile, la Clujana [AUDIO] 04 July, 2023
Romania-Insider.com: Ulysses European Odyssey: Romanian theatre production inspired by James Joyce looks at impact of migration 04 July, 2023
Ulysses European Odyssey: Romanian theatre production inspired by James Joyce looks at impact of migration 04 July, 2023
EBS Radio 90.4FM Romania: “In Between Homes”, o altă perspectivă asupra migraţiei   04 July, 2023
LiterNet: Despre lumea de azi prin ochii de Ulise – In Between Homes 06 July, 2023
Faclia: Arta va însufleți vechile spații ale Fabricii Clujana 06 July, 2023
Abc News Romania: Arta va însufleți vechile spații ale Fabricii CLUJANA – Spectacol de tip promenadă în vechea fabrică emblematică a Clujului 06 July, 2023
create.act.enjoy: Varga Hunor-József: „Voi juca rolul de asistent de regie și văd ce îmi dă situația” – despre rezidențele Ulysses: European Odyssey 16 July, 2023
Scribbles and Sketches: In Between Homes 17 July, 2023
echinox teatru: Proiecție și tranziție 01 August, 2023
echinox, Proiecție și tranziție – Project and Transition 01 August, 2023
Café Europa: Risky business: European theatre makers on the right to fail 25 January, 2024

Partner description

Create.Act.Enjoy (CAE), founded in 2013, has as main purpose the active contribution to the definition of independent culture in Romania, by carrying out cultural, educational and art therapy activities. Connected to contemporary cultural trends, CAE generates activities such as: socio-cultural interventions, artistic interpretation, art therapy, creative workshops with vulnerable groups (children from rural areas, children with disabilities or from foster care), artistic creation (performance, happening, installation), film and video production – all with aims to promote young artists, develop the concept of well-being acquired through direct interaction with art, strengthen national and international relations in order to establish intercultural exchanges.

Cluj-Napoca “Lucian Blaga” National Theatre is a public cultural institution under the Ministry of Culture in Romania and is the most important cultural landmark of the city. The theatre was built between 1904-1906 by the renowned Austrian architects Helmer and Fellner (who designed and built 48 theatres throughout Europe) and is the home of the Romanian National Theatre since 1919.

Our mission is to create theatre performances and to provide a framework for local and national theatre and performance art research, to increase the artistic and professional theatre environment and to improve the cultural development of the city and of wider communities.

The Faculty of Theatre and Film is part of Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca is a multicultural academic institution with a very good reputation for the quality of its education, excellence in research, active student life and opportunities for collaboration with partners outside the university environment. It is one of the most important art faculties in Romania in the fields of Theatre, Film and Media, where tenured and visiting professors with unanimously recognised professional and academic standing teach.
The Faculty of Theatre and Film was established in 1991 as a department within the Faculty of Letters of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. Together with the specialisation in Theatre, a new programme was launched in 2004: Cinematography and Media. In 2005 the faculty took its current form, under the name of Faculty of Theatre and Television, and in 2018 the current title was adopted.

Blazes Boylan’s smart tan shoes creaked on the barfloor where he strode.

Artistic Partners

Create.Act.Enjoy | National Theatre “Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca | Faculty of Theatre and Film (Babes-Boyai University)

Funding bodies

Administrația Fondului Cultural Național (AFCN) | Consiliul Județean Cluj | Primǎria şi Consiliul Județean Cluj-Napoca


AmiQ | Forum Apullum | NanoClean


Clujana, Facultatea de Litere Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Castle Centre for the Study of Transnational Fdamilies, DASM (Day Center for the Elderly No. 1, Cluj-Napoca)

ACT II - 2023
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