The project has two legacy publications – the book of specially commissioned pieces from writers from each city, and Will You Answer? 309 Questions from Europe, an arts & society pamphlet which arose from the project’s city symposia.
You can read both publications below (they may take time to load… try refreshing the page if they don’t appear…), and you can download them as a pdf (click on the 3 dots at the bottom) and save them for future reference and inspiration! All texts are copyright of the authors and cannot be reproduced in any form without prior permission.
The book, named after the project, has links directing the reader to the different parts of the project. Just hover over the sections of each page (linked text is highlighted in yellow in most instances) and you will see the link come up, which will take you directly to films, podcasts, photos and the relevant website pages, enabling you to follow the events, symposia and residencies which took place in each city. The commissions themselves (with the exception of Istanbul) contain no links so as not to distract the reader from enjoying the chapter. Happy exploring!