As part of the project, AOB do pre-visits to the partners to discuss their creative response to their episode and theme. In early December 2022 Sean Doran visited Lugo, meeting our partners from Fundación Uxío Novoneyra for the first time.
Sean enjoyed a comprehensive and inspiring two days, diving into Lugo’s streets, walking by the oldest stone walls in the world, and sampling Lugo’s cuisine – from pig’s ear and cow’s stomach, to spicy octopus, goose barnacles, tuna & squid empanadas, cured sausage of every sort and tasting the Galician nectar of world class local wines.
With the episode focussing on food production, distribution and consumption, Sean was taken by his Galician hosts to the ‘wine alleys’, seeing the medieval boiling pots of pigs leg and octopus. He also met the Deputy Mayor of Lugo, visited the Roman tile mosaics under ground and the Lugo museum. He saw the special ballroom in the Masonic building – location for the city’s symposium – and after his trip wrote ‘I had arrived naively expecting a restrained Bloomsian only Episode 8 experience. However, you happily embraced the Homeric Lestrygonians experience equally well given the sheer gastronomic ground we covered in such a short time!’

ULYSSES European Partners:
Arena Ensemble (PT)
Blaagaard Teater (DK)
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Film (RO)
Brave New World Producties (NL)
Budapest Brand nZrt (HU)
Commune di Trieste (IT)
Create.Act.Enjoy (RO)
Critical+Xwhy Agency (LT)
Fundación Uxío Novoneyra (ES)
gethan&myles and Collectif ildi ! eldi (FR)
Lumo Light Festival (FI)
Museo Joyce Trieste (IT)
Museum of Literature Ireland, MoLI (IE)
Noorderlicht (NL)
Rimini Protokoll (DE)
Teatrul National Lucian Blaga din Cluj-Napoca (RO)
Vilnius City Museum (LT)
Yalan Dünya Films Ltd. (TR)