Public access
Free (no booking required)
Ateliers Jeanne Barret
5 Bd. de Sévigné
13015 Marseille, France
Date & Time
01 October, 2022
12.30 – 16.30
We All Fall / Récit : A participatory multi-disciplinary performance on the theme of immigration, porosity and integration, under the mediterranean sun and open to the local community and visitors alike, in which the public were both spectators and co-creators. An intimate, immersive experience; the audience was enveloped by the human reality of the stories of exile and embodied, for a moment, the heroes, the swimmers and the drowned, the survivors and the disappeared, the hundreds of thousands caught in their movement, suspended outside community and time, within a system that offers uncertainty, anxiety, violence and still, somehow, hope.
The rationale for Marseille, and the link to Ulysses, was the image of Bloom walking through Dublin. A motif of the Lotus Eaters episode is desire, attraction (tobacco, alcohol, food, religion) – a sense of attraction to what might enhance life. Marseille, a port city since 600 B.C., has offered refuge to wave upon wave of immigrants, lured by the thought of a better or different life. The Mediterranean metropolis is home to 100,000 immigrants from Algeria, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and beyond. Fifty years ago, from Alexandria to Beirut to Algeria’s Oran, multicultural cities were the norm on the Mediterranean. Today it could be argued that Marseille is the only one remaining. As such, it may represent a laboratory or a model for a new heterogeneous Europe.
Event Video – Teaser
Event Video – Full
Credits: We All Fall / Récit credits: Presented by gethan&myles and ildi! eldi with the support of Ateliers Jeanne Barret, Comede, CIERES, Les Ateliers des Artistes en Exil, la Comédie de Valence, l’ADAMI and INSEAMM – Les Beaux-Arts de Marseille.
Event Photos

Audience feedback
“This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.”
“Was it painful for the people in the performance to relive experiences or emotions that they themselves have been through?” (We said she should ask them directly) “I’ve just been speaking to them and they said no, not at all, they were happy to be part of the project and that the story was being told.”
“I knew that gethan&myles often worked with cyanotypes but I was so caught up in the performance that the revelation of the bodies at the end totally caught me by surprise. It was magical.”