Events News Press
X Istanbul
Artists’ Exchange

Adra Pallón

Coexistence in modern day Europe

Adra Pallón travelled to Istanbul

Lugo’s second artist Kirenia Acosta travelled to Lisbon.

Artists’ Statement

My motivation follows the example of Leopold Bloom’s drifting through the streets of Dublin. My intention is to carry out a visual work in Istanbul that reproduces, through the techniques of photography, the experience of an automatic writing, exploring the meeting points between sign language and images. The lens of the camera should therefore alter our objective perception of reality, recording also the subjective charge of the one who chooses a certain object under a specific light, i.e. the gaze of the author. To make a Bloomsday in Istanbul demands of us an obedience to the randomness of the walk and an attention to the everyday landscape of its people, beyond the landscape staged for the tourist, searching the city that denies the postcard.

Artists’ Biography

Adra Pallón is the one of the best known emerging photographers in Spain and he was awarded the Spanish Young Photographer Award and with scholarships from leading European art foundations and trusts funding photography. Photographic language related to sociology is the basis of his work. The central axis of all his documentary photography is to offer a sociological vision of the reality in which he lives.

More info
Artist’s website

Video from the visit

Visual Gesture

Each artist on the residency programme was asked to create a simple visual gesture for potential inclusion in the ULYSSES European Odyssey book. An image that reflected their visit to another partner city, a moment which stayed with them, something quite simple, even symbolic. 

All images are copyright of the individual artists.