Public access
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
11 – 13 June, 2024
(SYMPOSIA: ARTS & SOCIETY 309 Questions and Answers)
Will You Answer? 309 Questions from Europe
The consortium met for the last full gathering in Dublin. Originally intended as the moment when we would shortlist the 309 questions from the partner city symposia, we ultimately decided this could be done online, so our gathering in Dublin was therefore focussed on reflections and shared learnings.
We recognised as a consortium that our final Gathering in Dublin (ITHACA) was also to be our return home as a collective, to the origin and inspiration of our project, Ulysses’ Dublin, and towards the end of a two-year event-full journey through the ULYSSES European Odyssey project. Therefore the Gathering’s tone and style leant towards reflecting and reviewing our efforts, our successes, our trials and tribulations, our high and low points.
Renamed Grand Arts & Society Symposium (GASS) the Gathering revolved around questioning, and reflecting on the project as a whole. It was a hugely inciteful and productive meeting, as well as a celebration, with a very special evening when MoLI opened its doors – and its garden! – to us and we were given the privilege of being able to wander around the Museum and spend time with Joyce’s notebooks, early editions of his books, and see the first edition of the book which had inspired us over the last almost 3 years!
Group Photo

Event photos

Yannis & Claudia on screen