Public access
Free, but reservation required.
Fabrica Clujana, Piața 1 Mai 4-5, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
12 July, 2023
Romanian with English subtitles
Each city partner across its 16 European countries hosted a cross-sectoral symposium exploring the relationship between the city and its Ulysses inspired ARTS & SOCIETY theme – migration, democracy, mental health, environmental pollution, social co-existence, sexual equality and freedom of speech, amongst others. In June 2024 all partners gathered in Dublin to discuss the outcomes of the city symposia and the resulting pamphlet, Will You Answer? 309 Questions from Europe, will be published in late 2024, structured in the form of 309 questions (as inspired by episode 17 of Ulysses) as an inspiration for artists and policy makers alike.
This performative symposium “SIRENS NOW: Navigating Dangers of Migration and Habitation” revisited the themes put forward by the public event and focussed on creating a participatory and immersive experience for attendees as a framework for critical and reflective thinking, mirroring the themes of migration and families as seen in our public event and in Joyce’s chapter (The Sirens).
Click here for an interveiw with Mihai Gligan: „Tot teatrul e sau ar trebui să fie comunitar” | “All theater is or should be community”
Event Photos