Ervin Library of the Capital Szabó
Date & Time
16 Nov, 2023
Today Budapest is 150 years old and the Budapest Nagyregény has been published!
The presentation of the volume was held on November 16 in the hall of the Ervin Library of the Capital Szabó: unveiling an intellectual monument with a program book presentation, screening and discussions based on the themes of the creative process.
The host of the evening, Krisztián Nyáry, greeted the guests: participants in the Budapest Nagyregény project and the publisher’s staff, the authors of the volume, representatives of the political bodies of the City Hall and district municipalities, delegates of institutions involved in the Budapest 150 event series and the press staff.
The mayor of Karácsony Gergely made a festive greeting on the occasion of the city’s birthday and the publication of the volume. Krisztián Nyáry talked to the editors of the volume, Tasnádi István – író and Péczely Dóra about the creative process of the Budapest Great Novel.
Nyáry interviewed Csaba Faix, the CEO of Ulysses European Odyssey and Ágnes Koreny Kovácsné, the deputy general director of Budapest Brand Nonprofit Zrt and Liam Browne ( Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár ) and Máté Gáspár, the artistic director of Budapest Brand and the mastermind of Budapest Nagyregény, talked about the Budapest Nagygnény all art program on international implications of rama. Actors Hanna Pálos and Máté Martinkovics read parts of the text.
Those gathered were among the first ones to receive the volumes of Budapest’s Great Novel, at the reception organized in the Ballroom, they celebrated that the long-awaited book is available all over the country.
(Photo: Sarolta Bánki / Adam Draskovics)
The volume is available in bookstore chains of the country.…/szepirodalom/budapest-nagyregeny
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