The Everyman and the Epic
Each city partner across its 16 European countries hosted a cross-sectoral symposium exploring the relationship between the city and its Ulysses inspired ARTS & SOCIETY theme – migration, democracy, mental health, environmental pollution, social co-existence, sexual equality and freedom of speech, amongst others. In June 2024 all partners gathered in Dublin to discuss the outcomes of the city symposia and the resulting pamphlet, Will You Answer? 309 Questions from Europe, will be published in late 2024, structured in the form of 309 questions (as inspired by episode 17 of Ulysses) as an inspiration for artists and policy makers alike.
This symposium, Flic-Flacs in Amazonia, operated as a preview for the performances and a kickoff for the rehearsal process. It included a diverse assembly of viewpoints on the digital markets, on circus, money theory, the act of shopping, and the economy of last mile delivery. The audience was briefed about the liberating erotism of early French department stores, and asked where in the world the tables are dancing and what their choreography is.
Event Photos