Public access
Museo Joyce,
Date & Time
13 & 14 October, 2022
All the partners involved in the project meet four times over the duration of this Joycean odyssey. In the three cities in which Joyce wrote Ulysses (Trieste, Paris and Zurich) and then in Dublin in June 2024 to discuss the Arts & Society contemporary European themes which are the focus of each city’s mini-symposium. The final meeting will result in a published statement, structured in the form of 309 questions and potential answers (as inspired by Episode 17 of Ulysses) regarding the role of Arts & Society in a Better Future Europe. The statement will be published on this website in the Autumn of 2024.
In Trieste the partners discussed the theme Weight of History, exploring pivotal moments in each of their city’s histories which either changed the course of the city’s history, or marked a new insight into the city and its citizens.
The consortium meeting in Trieste was the first time all partners met as the project was developed during the Corona epidemic.
(Group photo) Back row: L – R: Sean Doran; Liam Browne (Arts Over Borders IE), Jarkko Halunen (Lumo Light Festival FI), Electra Karatza (Onassis Stegi GR), James Joyce, Steven Sander (Rimini Protokoll DE), Rasa Antanavičiūtė ( Vilnius Museum LT), Myles Quinn (gethan&myles FR), Kees van der girls (Noorderlicht NL), Virginia Vassilakou (Chorus GR), Maté Gáspár (Budapest Brand HU), Maja Ries (Blaagaard Teater DK), Mariana Brandão (Arena Ensemble PT), Ben Schlepper-Connolly (Museum of Literary Ireland IE)
Front row: LR: Riccardo Cepach (Museo Joyce Trieste IT), Andreea Iacob (Act.Create.Enjoy RO), Claudia Woolgar (Brave New World Productions NL), Yannis Pappas (Chorus GR), Marco Martin (Arena Ensemble PT), Gethan Dick (gethan&myles FR).
(photo taken in the Museo Joyce, Trieste and our Turkish partner was present online)